Song of the day:
"If you are here because you feel sorry for me, you are wasting your time, but if you are here because your life and destiny are linked with mine, then we will make a difference..." - Elizabeth Penashue, an Innu elder
adopt your own virtual pet! |
How cute are we??? Now people will know who I am....Ms. Anonymous poster has lost all anonymity. (sp??)
i can take it down if you like, before all the people see it (smile)
That would be the way, huh? I get to see it for the 5 miliseconds it's up and then it's gone forever. Don't take it down. I like to look at my son most of all - his expression is timeless.
did you know that if you checked "other" instead of leaving the anonymous box checked, you could post as robin, as well as link your name to a website full of pictures of your sons for other people to see?....
and i want to leave it up, so im glad.
It is a great picture of both of our kids Robin. Such a look of curiousity and wonder in both their eyes.
I'm glad to see who you are.
i cant beolieve you just compared me to an infant...
They are both kids at heart. And you have met me before. I was the crazy driver running you down in the Eton parking lot when Molly graduated.
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