Thursday, April 03, 2008


i was hit from the rear by an eighteen wheeler tanker this not ready to tell the story tonight, but i am putting up the pictures...i was taking my boss, jeff moyer to see his friend stan. jeff is blind, which is why i work for him

we are all ok..

Song of the day:


HitThaFloor said...

Please call me as soon as you can. I'm worried. I know you said you're ok, but I'm still worried.

Anonymous said...

holy moly, Molly! I had a weird nightmare that woke me up in a hotel thursday morning. In the dream my son was riding his bike chasing after the neighbor's dogs in the freeway and I was driving behind him. The dogs ran under the back of a semi, then my son ducked down and pedaled like crazy and went under the truck, too. I woke up before I had to see what happened next.

I'm glad you are ok!

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