Tuesday, December 26, 2006


sometimes im left feeling like there is no time... i went directly from my gestalt weekend to a week in jersey with my family, and flew home to immediatly work straight through the holidays (its something i always agree to do since im jewish and want the other social workers to have a chance to spend moments with their families) and all the free time has been filled with christmas parties (three of them) and such

its not that i am not a social creature, i am, and i am excited for things to go back to normal so i can actually be with my friends, but even more, i am looking forweard to having a little extra space to process what i have been learning...

i took down my posts on closure...i suddenly had an anxiety that some would consider my mention of our ending as a breach of confidentiality (and i dont know why i fear that, except people take different meanings out of the same thing)... and yes i know it shows a worry about what others think....

anyhow, gotta go to work....

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