Tuesday, July 03, 2007

laws effective july 1

so virginia has raised the price of speeding tickets to outrageous levels through a new state law that allows to pay for road repairs without raising taxes (folks, tawes are not always a bad thing)...i wonder how virginians will feel as this new policy unfolds, and drivers going 5 miles over the limit wind up with $1000 fine....

here are some other new laws across the country that went into effect on the first...what do you think about the, whether the good the bad or the ugly??

from: Virginians Face $3,000 Traffic Ticket, by Dennis Cauchon, USA Today
Posted: 2007-07-01 15:18:05

Drunken Driving: Wyoming bans open containers in vehicles. South Dakota expands a program that requires repeat drunken drivers to check in at jails twice daily for breath testing. Supporters say it reduces jail costs and allows people to continue working, support their families and stay sober.

Health: New York City bans trans fats. Massachusetts' sweeping health care insurance law takes full effect, with everyone required to have health insurance — either with state help or purchased privately.

Children's Health: California bans soda sales on school campuses during school hours, and puts new limits on sugar and fat content in school food. Florida starts a one-year pilot program to test randomly for steroid use among high school athletes participating in football, baseball and weightlifting.

Cervical Cancer: Indiana schools must tell parents of sixth-grade girls about the link between human papillomavirus and cervical cancer, and about the availability of a new vaccine. North Carolina also requires schools to tell parents about the disease and the vaccine. Nevada requires insurers to cover the new vaccine.

Sex Education: Colorado bans abstinence-only sex education in all schools (except for one district), requiring schools to teach sex education based on scientific research and to include information on contraception.

Energy: Nevada and Minnesota encourage conservation and alternative energy. North Dakota begins a temporary tax break to spur the drilling of more oil wells in an area called the Bakken geologic formation.

Sex Offenders: Virginia requires convicted sex offenders to register their e-mail addresses with the state. Nevada forces certain sex offenders to live at least 1,000 feet away from schools and other places children gather. Connecticut creates a new crime for those who abuse a child under 13 that carries a 25-year prison sentence.

Showing ID:Tennessee requires everyone who buys beer at a store to show identification, regardless of their age.

War and Veterans: Minnesota provides state education assistance to veterans, or family members of dead or disabled veterans. Idaho limits protests at military funerals. Florida bars commercial use of names or pictures of service members without their permission or their families' permission, if they are deceased.

Immigration: Georgia's tough anti-illegal immigration laws kick in, requiring public employers with 500 or more employees -- and any contractors -- to verify that all new hires are in the country lawfully. The state also checks to make sure that anyone over age 18 who is receiving benefits is in the country legally. Idaho requires proof of legal residency for most forms of public assistance.

Abortion: Women seeking abortions in Georgia must be given a chance to see an ultrasound image of the fetus and listen for a heartbeat. In Mississippi, an abortion provider must perform a sonogram and give a pregnant woman the chance to listen to the heartbeat.

Minimum Wage: Illinois, Michigan and Pennsylvania were among the states that raised their minimum wage.

Sexual Orientation:Gays and lesbians are protected by Iowa's civil rights laws. Vermont bars discrimination against people who change their genders or discrimination based on whether they present themselves as a man or a woman.

Medical Marijuana: New Mexico legalized the medical use of marijuana. Rhode Island made permanent its medical marijuana program, which was to expire June 30. Vermont expanded the use of medical marijuana from only those with terminal diseases to those with some chronic diseases, too.

Song of the day:


HitThaFloor said...

Personally, I think we have too many laws that just don't make any sense. If this is the land of the free, then why have rules to dictate mundane behavior. i.e., I'm opposed to the new Ohio law they are tinkering around with about underage teens using tanning salons. They already need a note from their parents, why do we need to ban it unless it's prescribed by a doctor?

Some of the laws make sense, like health care for everyone, but others are too heavy handed.

Jeff Hess said...

Shalom Molly,

I think making the fine for $1,000 speeding is an excellent idea.

Speeding is second only to drunk driving as a cause of death.

Speeding raises our insurance burden.

Speeding lowers gas mileage and increases the environmental damage from green house gases.

If you don't speed (I've only gotten two speeding tickets; 70 in a 55 mph zone when I was 18 and 50 in a 35 when I was 40) you won't get ticketed.



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