Wednesday, August 22, 2007

more feathers

hess suggested that you, the readers would be more interested in hearing about what we did at wolf creek then in my subjective experience...but that is all it is....we walked, we sang, we intended....we expereinced...and as i process it so you shall understand as i do

anyhow, there have been alot of feather messages in my world recently, and it just doesnt seem to be slowing down....i found a hawk feather at the lake last thursday, a blue jay feather on saturday during my vision quest,

and this dark, majestic feather today....

Song of the day:wind beneath my wing- better midler


HitThaFloor said...

So what do all the different bird feathers mean?

molly said...

i dont really know....the blue jay is a trickster, and speaks to authenticity....but im going to go to the library and find a book on birds of northeast ohio and see what birds they are, and i can then look up the symbolism of the different birds across cultures....

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