Friday, March 23, 2007

hoping it didnt take too long for healing

day seven, now the left side of torso is numbed...and i am learning more and more about trust and patience...

all day at work yesterday, i kept hoping the visiting nurses would call, so i picked up every call that came along...and ill tell you., i heard from insurance verifiers twice, my mother three times...even my god-father had to pop in at a point- someone had called three times while he was in the shower but left no message, and he was worried all my limbs had stopped working and that i was calling him for a ride to the hospital...

so, to make a long story short, a delivery called at seven thirty and dropped the solumedrol at my house and around 8:30, the nurse finally called and said he'd be over at nine a.m.

so here hess and i sit, having coffee at an unusual coffee house closer to home so that its just a quick jaunt back for the meds....

now i just hope that the solumedrol works like it has in the past...

Song of the day: rhiannon- stevie nicks


JULIE ♥ ADORE said...
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HitThaFloor said...

You are so strong.

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